Tuesday 23 February 2010

Purposes of Music Videos


The first music videos to be created or broadcast were in 1960, but some do argue and say that they were after the 60`s, this is because many big artists around this time, such as the Beatles and bob Dylan, where being asked to perform at many different venues all over countries and continents within the space of a few days. For example they would be doing a concert in Spain then in France the next day. So they would send in videos of themselves performing tracks both old and new, this caught on and lots of artists began to do this so it meant their tracks would be heard on different music shows like top of the pops but that was it so only the big artists would be heard. Artists in the 70`s began to become more inventive with their videos and it gave them more identity and made them more recognisable, but it was in the 80`s when music videos really became popular with most artists as in 1981 MTV was launched. This meant that it was very important for artists to create music videos as it was the main way for their music to be heard globally and to make the artist more popular, it was actually British artists who were making music videos so the US charts saw an invasions of British artists such as Duran Duran, Adam and the ants and the cure.

here is an example of one of the first music videos that was produced for the beatles, this was made in the 1960`s and as you can see it really doesnt make sence to what the song is on about but it setup the idea of music videos not making any sence at all really and making the an new inventive way of producing media however if you look at a video from the 1970`s it is the jackson fives abc but as you can see the hae added somehting new to the music video genre as they have made a video with them actually doing a concert for the video so it is a very performanced based video where as the beatles on was a very narative video.

so you can see their have been alot of changes to music videos over the years and if we look at the 80`s we can see that they have become a little like short films or videos an example of this is micheal jacksons thriller:

as you have seen from this video it is a long video for a music video as it is 10mins or more however this is only part of the video it is actuall about 15mins originally. this was so horrific when relised that it was put on after 9 oclock however it is still a music video but as you can see they now can tell a story and it has shown how creative they have become but it also shows how popular and dramatic music videos have become because even people who were not born in this time period they still now exactley how the video goes and can remeber the video and find it a ver good video. it made people want to see more music videos and want buy the albums of this particular artist more. it also made people feel that music videos were something to see and not to be missed aand gave artist more freedom to be imaginitave with their music and the music videos.

Purpose of Music Videos.

Music videos are a good way to promote an artist and their track, the way it can promote a track is by it being a visual representation of a track so many people who watch the video they will often remember the track for the video rather than the track. It also creates more opportunities for the track to be heard rather than it being just heard on audio mediums such as radio or CD but it can also be heard on more popular mediums like TV and the internet like YouTube or other sites that have music videos on them, this means that they are heard by both, audience`s that prefer to listen and those that are more happy to be visual so they artist will essentially reach a wider audience. Another big purpose for music videos is that they can be used to highlight three or four tracks from an album, this is a bite more different now a days as more people can download only tracks instead of a whole album, in the past if people wanted to buy tracks they would have to buy a whole album so if artist made videos for a number of tracks on an album they would make the audience want to buy it more so they can promote a whole album by their videos of the different tracks. one example of how a music video has made the sales of a track go up and the popularity is journey`s dont stop beleiving which was taken by a tv company and put into the program glee and they made it into a video here are the two videos......

tis is the original video when the track was 69 on the uk chart in 1981.(i think it is the right one) it has had 2,654,374 veiws, but this next video is another video that features the song from the show of glee.
sadley i could not find a desnet clip but after this was released the song seemed to be every were and if you look at the chart positions thesong became much more popular and people bought it more. if you look at this example you will see that their has been an increase of popularity for the band and the track...

as you can see because of the band allowing another music video to be realesed in 2010 they went from being 62 in the uk chart in the 80`s when they had just released the track to now being number 6 in the charts. this show that bands can influence the popularity of a music video .
Music videos are also very good at extending the income of artists and the tracks they make. Videos will often keep artist in the public eye for a longer time after they have released their album this can be for a number of months but in alot of cases now a days if a track made it very big in the 80`s or 90`s or earlier it could still be played making it very popular among younger generations. Music videos can also help to recoup some of the production costs of recording the music initially as if the video gets alot of sales for the track or album, so if it makes alot of money by the video being shown alot and making it very popular, the artist will make alot of profit.
Music videos have now become much more accessible since the 80`s as there are a number of places in which you can view music videos. One that was around in the 80`s is television but instead of just one channel committed to music their are now 30 to 35 music channels a couple are MTV the original one with kerrang, hits TV and flaunt to name a few. Another way which is thought of as a revolutionary way is the internet you now have YouTube, vodpod and videoocure plus hundreds of others like MySpace. Another way which is now becoming more popular and is more easy for peoples life styles, as you can travel with it and watch it when ever and were ever is downloads, theses can be seen and downloaded on to iPods, mobiles and blackberries and other portable mediums.

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